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The SWA Announces Dr Linda Smith as New President

The SWA is proud to announce the appointment of a new President. Dr Linda Smith PSWA takes over from Soraya French PPSWA who stepped down at the recent AGM held earlier this month.

In a letter to introduce herself, Dr Linda Smith writes...

Dear colleagues , friends and fellow members of the Society of Women Artists, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as your newly elected President (I believe, the Society’s 15th.) I have served on the council of the Society since 2017, been a member since 2016 and an associate member since 2015. I follow in the footsteps of my esteemed predecessor, Soraya French, who will be greatly missed but who still remains fully involved with the society as a Director. I am looking forward to the work ahead and am truly grateful to have this opportunity to serve the society and work with the great team of ladies on our council. Our society was founded by Harriet Grote in 1855 as the Society of Female Artists (SFA) to promote the work of female artists giving them a platform to showcase and sell their work. This indeed she achieved, and my wish is to continue the tremendous work of those that have come before me and who have created, what is now, such a vibrant and healthy Society.

Kind regards,

Dr. Linda Smith PSWA

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