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  • rebeccacottonswa

Greta Thunberg sculpture by SWA member Christine Charlesworth is unveiled

Created by sculptor Christine Charlesworth 'Make a Difference' is the first portrait statue of Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg in the world. It was unveiled on 30th March outside the University of Winchester to mark its ongoing commitment to sustainability and social justice. The new West Downs Centre at the University is one of the greenest in the country.

Christine has depicted Greta standing on a block of stone, one foot over the edge to show her vulnerability and shyness. Greta is a confident speaker but has had to cope with quite a lot in her life, including Asperger's and anorexia. Standing in front of huge audiences was quite a big thing for her to achieve. It is hoped that this sculpture will be an inspiration to other young people to persevere and overcome problems in their own lives.

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