Mary Adam A Different Tune 1
Catherine Ade Winter
Zahra Akbari Baseri Fatemeh
Zahra Akbari Baseri Fatemeh
Alessandra Alexandroff Written by the river
Alison Allum The Curse
Alison Allum Marigolds off -Let's Dance!
Jennifer Anderson Time Out
Jane Andrews Rock, Paper, Scissors
Jane Andrews A Face for Every Pocket
Claire Anscomb Respects of Resemblance I (Catharine Abell)
Claire Anscomb Respects of Resemblance III (Catharine Abell)
Michele Ashby Soul sister
Michele Ashby Our Angel has her wings
Michele Ashby There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart
Michele Ashby El hombre del sombrero negro
Zena Assi Raya from the 'Still Life in Quarantine' series
Asia Bakalarska Privacy
Juliet Bankes Undercurrent
Lesley Banks Heart in the Arcades
Kathy Barker Sunset From Bishops Park
Kathy Barker Seated Nude
Kathy Barker Chinese Vase with Cherries
Kathy Barker Gold Leaf Portrait
Sarah Barker Brown Waiting to Swim
Rebecca Barnard Heat Through Trees
Judith Barton A.R.D. day at the R.A.
Judith Barton Amy
Judith Barton Returning Home
Ruth Batham Andy, Eating
Deborah Batt Just the 2 of Us
Deborah Batt Untitled
Catherine Beale Icon
Catherine Beale The Glance
Catherine Beale Caught in the moment
Bella Bee Hele Bay
Kate Bentley SWA Interiors
Kate Bentley SWA Looking at me, looking at you?
Kate Bentley SWA Isolation (Blackwell )
Kate Bentley SWA Submerged in thought.No 3.
Chrissie Birchall A quiet corner
Chrissie Birchall In reflection
Chrissie Birchall Seen and felt
IMOGEN BITTNER Green Glass Vase with Green Apples
IMOGEN BITTNER Still Life with Blue Jug and Birds
Hannah Blight-Anderson Girl from the Surf
Catherine Bloomfield Young Woman
Diana Boanas Three old mugs
Sarah Boden Chasing the Light
Sarah Boden Flying High (not alone)
Louise Bougourd Moorland Movement
Clare Boyce Entwinement
Clare Boyce Sisters
Clare Boyce Aftermath
Hazel Bradshaw The Wedding Dress
Jane Bridger Moon Jar with Turquoise Fish and Dragonflies
Jane Bridger Tall Black Vase with Orange Fighting Fish
Jane Bridger Black Keyhole Pot with Orange Fighting Fish
Jane Bridger Pair of Turquoise Vases with Fish and Dragonflies
Faye Bridgwater Chapters
Angela Brittain Temptation
Angela Brittain Amore
Angela Brittain Flowers of Egypt
Angela Brittain The Embrace
Arabella Brooke focus shift
Arabella Brooke Bareback Warrior
Arabella Brooke Warrior One
Bonnie Brown Negative & Positive of Breathing
Bonnie Brown Inverted Interruption
jess bugler Red Black II
jess bugler Red Black III
Annette Burrows Vandenbrouck Daisy Tips
Kristina Butigan Transmission Vision / Last Sun
Kristina Butigan Transmission Vision / Day Break
Anne Butler Fire and Ice
Stephie Butler #MeToo
Stephie Butler In control
Stephie Butler The beckoning
Jan Byrne Geography
Celie Byrne My mate Boo: Portrait of a woman
June Carey RSW RGI PAI Which One Will I Choose
June Carey RSW RGI PAI Midnight Lovers
June Carey RSW RGI PAI An Imagined Love
June Carey RSW RGI PAI Forbidden Love
Maite Cascon Karni
Maite Cascon Mata
Cristina Celestini April, 2020
Karen Charman SWA Feather Tor with Hawthorn tree
Karen Charman SWA Near Ravens Tor
Karen Charman SWA Littaford Tor
Karen Charman SWA Hunt Tor
XingYun Chen Elle
XingYun Chen the fall of an angel
XingYun Chen Break free
Teresa Chlapowski Field of Dreams
Fanny Lam Christie Snow Storm
Trish Claridge White Blush
Trish Claridge Red Blaze
Trish Claridge Sundance
Jeni Clarke Minotaur Thinker
Jeni Clarke Stargazers
Judy Clarkson As Above, So Below
andie clay EBB AND FLOW 2
andie clay EBB AND FLOW 3
andie clay EBB AND FLOW 4
andie clay VERTIGO SURF 2
Colette Clegg Elephants Among the Dahlias
Patricia Clements Lilley with Cobalt Blue
Patricia Clements Bob on the dresser
Patricia Clements Peppers and red Chilies still life
Melissa Cole Lifeline Parts 2A & 2B
Melissa Cole LANDSCAPE No. II – NH5690
Rebecca Coleman View Subterranea: Baker Street
Rebecca Coleman View Subterranea 10: Waterloo
Rebecca Coleman Paddington Station: Platform 8
Debbie Coles Time and Tide ...
Marjorie Collins Lemon in a Blue Glass Bowl
Marjorie Collins Cherries in a Tea Caddy
Marjorie Collins Still Life with Yellow Cup
Marjorie Collins Three of Hearts
Julie Collins Two boots
Julie Collins Chapel Bay
Julie Collins A charm of friends
Julie Collins Shooting Stars
Luna Colombini Chinese showers
Louisa Crispin FlightPath lix
Louisa Crispin FlightPath lv
Louisa Crispin FlightPath lvii
Louisa Crispin FlightPath viii
Laura Critchlow Trapped
Yuxin Cui Lie at anchor
Nicola Currie Tulipa Estella Rijnweld
Toni Dade Dishevelled
Toni Dade Proud
Philomena Davidson Corona Jungle
Philomena Davidson Corona Wedding
Maureen Davies Icy Track
Maureen Davies Huckle's Brook
Karen de la Gorce Jean-Charles & Delphine
Tamsin Dearing A Thirst for Life
Tamsin Dearing A Lifetime of Laughter
Krystyna Dembny I am not Whistler's mother
Krystyna Dembny Sleeping off chemo but still wearing bling
Dolly Denny MAGGIE
Jill Desborough Asterion
Jill Desborough Danse Macabre 2
Carol Dewart PAI RSW I Walked A Mile
Carol Dewart PAI RSW The Long Acre
Bernadette Doolan A nomadic journey of self
Bernadette Doolan I am not worthy
Denise Doran The kitchen sink
Denise Doran The pink gastrobus, Bantham Beach
Madeline Downham My boy
Camilla Dowse Beach Street, Deal
Camilla Dowse Pottery Lane from Portland Road
Pamela Doyle Time
Rachel Ducker Plaster & Wire Figure
Liz Dulley Quiet Room
Liz Dulley Wave of Folding Memories
Liz Dulley Walkabout
Cherylene Dyer The World Changed Whilst I Was Sleeping
Belinda eaton Man with Flowers
Margaret Eggleton After the Rain
Margaret Eggleton National Gallery
wendy elia Woman With A Black Eye (Marija Malenica Croation Champion)
wendy elia Grace Lau
wendy elia Self Portrait In Uplift Bra Etching
wendy elia Night Studio
Anne-Marie Ellis 'Broken Chanel'
rosie emerson Aria I
rosie emerson Moon struck
Chris Emsley Dartmouth
Chris Emsley The Shed at Baddesley Clinton
Priscilla Eurich Collecting Shellfish at Low Tide, Zanzibar #2
Sara Evans Wait (Why Am I Talking)
kate felton hall Closed Daffodils Leaning in Beer Glass
kate felton hall Open Daffodils Leaning in Beer Glass
alison finch Broken Shells -Beauty in Imperfection
Margaret Findlay Fallen Roof
Margaret Findlay Derelict Farmhouse, Ullapool
Margaret Findlay Peaston Cottage Window
Emma Fitzpatrick Scape 4
Emma Fitzpatrick Scape 6
Emma Fitzpatrick Scape 9
Becki Flack French Fancy
Donna Fleureau Prim and Proper
Donna Fleureau Elderly Rural Lady
Christine Flintham hedgerow hubris
Christine Flintham anemones
Christine Flintham garden iris
Christine Flintham snowdrops
Miranda Fontaine Blue Corset
Miranda Fontaine Flower Corset
Miranda Fontaine Iridescent Corset
Rebecca fontaine-wolf Venus Rising
Rebecca fontaine-wolf Rising From the Ashes
Maryam Foroozanfar Unspoken Truths
Jaana Fowler Dinner Plate Swing
Karolina Franceschini Garden Stories: Glorious Summer
Soraya French Colours of Africa
Soraya French White Lilies and pinks
Soraya French Going to the market- Mixed media - 56 x46 cm - Soraya French £1500
Vikky Furse Mona Discovered
Vikky Furse Discovery 2
Vikky Furse Discovery 3
Vikky Furse Found Form with Feet
Janice Gazetas Golden Orchid
Ritva Georgiades Spotty Fish
Maria Gerzon The Director of Secrets
catharine gibbens Ben and Nick in conversation
Emily Gillbanks Self Portrait: Small Sips
Emily Gillbanks More Than Real Series: Overshadowing
Barbara Gittings "Head" Bowl #42
Sheila Goodman The Bridge
Sheila Goodman French Farm
Arina Gordienko Gemini Sublimation (Diptych)
Arina Gordienko Snail on the Slope
Yurim Gough Flying dots
Yurim Gough I know what you are thinking
Yurim Gough Do you? Why?
Cheryl Gould She Sells Seashells
Cheryl Gould Dos Fridas
Michele Greene Just us
Annie Guest The Bird Bath
Annie Guest Long Last Summer
Annie Guest The Seduction
Janine Hall Untitled (Glass Shadows)
Janine Hall Untitled (Window shadow)
Catherine Hamilton Trancendance
Elizabeth Hammond Made in Britain
Claire Hankey Reflections 1
Louise Hardy Traces of a City
Chloe Harris High Street Bombardment (Exeter)
Chloe Harris Exeter Night Out Buzz
Naila Hazell “Support “
Victoria Heald Contemplation III
Sandie M Henderson Evening Ride
Barbara Henkes Sleepy feet
Alison Henry Contemplation I
Angela Herd Hall Another Day
Carol Hill Reflections - Lumsdale Pond, Derbyshire
Freya Hoayun Portrait with a yellow background
Freya Hoayun Self portrait with a blue background
Brook Hobbins Portrait of Rich
Brook Hobbins Portrait of Alan
Kaye Hodges Golden Girl
Luisa Holden Cornish Gold
Luisa Holden This Hushed Place
Luisa Holden Catching Light
Sarah Hope Debbie
Wendy Hunt Flight Of The Ghost
Wendy Hunt Broken Tusk
Aran Illingworth I'm a big girl now
Katherine Jackson Japanese Anenomes
JACKIE JAMIESON Artisan Hands No. 2
Tessa Jane With thee did disappear
Hero Johnson Feet
Hero Johnson Socks
Pamela Jones Self Portrait as Marie Antoinette La Pouf à Linoculation
Pamela Jones Plateau de Fruit de Mer
Pamela Jones Brittania In Cloud Cuckoo Land
Sally Jones Doing What it Takes
Aleksandra Kabakova Lilac (Syringa vulgaris)
Aleksandra Kabakova Cottongrass (Eriophorum scheuchzeri)
Anna Kenneally Sunflower Boom & Doppelgängers
Barbara Kerr 'Sun Shower'
Roya Khalili Uprising
Roya Khalili Lockdown
Ann Chester King And Then It was Done
Alison Kinnaird Lockdown 2020
Alison Kinnaird Listener
Estelle Kirby Shelter
Estelle Kirby Little green pear with star Anise
Estelle Kirby Self portrait with glasses
Sera Knight Night in London
Sera Knight Action & Emotion- Flamenco Dancer
Sera Knight Ballroom Elegance
Sera Knight Bikes & Busses in London
Svetlana Kornilova Looking at the world through my ocean
Svetlana Kornilova Bellis perennis (Margaritka)
Deborah Kreczmer Stillness
Mary Lace Tiger Tails and Anemones
Mary Lace Letterboxes
Mary Lace Matisse and Anemones by the Window
Mary Lace Still Life with Drawing, Twigs and some Stones
Doreen Langhorn Tribute to Gill
Diane Large The Creaky Shed
Joanne Last Passage of time 2
Joanne Last Passage of time 1
Lindsey Lavender Depth
Lindsey Lavender Umbra
Katharine Le Hardy Suspension
Katharine Le Hardy The Wash
Rosemary Lewis Sunflowers in a Red Jug
Rosemary Lewis Peonies in a Glass Jar
Hiroko Lewis Mother Tree
J. (Jie) Li Behind The Appearance I
Ali Lindley Big Ears
Ali Lindley About Turn
Ali Lindley Waiting
Liu Liu An Ordinary Day
Pamela Lloyd-Jones Girl
Peggy Lock Visiting Pheasant
Peggy Lock Three Blue Jugs
Pauline Lockhart Teenage Lockdown
Sharon Low Pictures of the floating world - 21st century girls (I) (Kindai ukiyoe)
Catherine MacDiarmid Behind the Clown Paint
Catherine MacDiarmid Personal Space - Eye Level
Anna Macdonald An Ordinary Day II
Anna Macdonald An Ordinary Day I
Joanne Makin Self portrait
Margaret Mallows Sunset over the Fens
bernadette marbrow Fishfingers
bernadette marbrow Stargazer
Lucy Marks Indigo Skies
Nichola Martin A Pile of Poetry
Nichola Martin A History of Art
Gail Mason Spring Walk
Gail Mason Blue Trees
Ann James Massey The Blessing of the Animals
Anne McCormack Colour Combination
Anne McCormack Cut & Dried
Anne McCormack Mirror,Mirror on the Wall...
Elizabeth MCCRIMMON Summer In The City
Ruth McDonald Evening Walk
Ruth McDonald Splash
Ruth McDonald Dawn Glow
Ruth McDonald Seeking New Landscapes
Emily McDonald Lemons
Emily McDonald Aubergine
Gillian McFarland Cloud Chamber
Donna McGlynn Insomnia
Flora McLachlan Kindling
Flora McLachlan The bone gate
Helen Merrigan Colfer Occluded (triptych)
Helen Merrigan Colfer Altered State
Margaret Micklewright Winter Light, Silfra, Iceland
Rosemary Miller In times of uncertainty
Rosemary Miller Don't Look Back
Rosemary Miller Comfort
Jill Miller Clutch
Kate Milsom Jane & Marcel Dieulafoy
Kate Milsom Emily Hahn
Loraine Monk Contemplation
Sarah Jane Moon Juno
Jane Morgan A Punnet with Blackberries
Jane Morgan The Bramble
anne moses Under Cover
anne moses Elsa
anne moses Falling
Jane Mowat Rescue
Jane Mowat Resting Beneath a Mountain
Jane Mowat Two Figures Above the Waves
Ali Mulroy Still
Ali Mulroy Emily
Ali Mulroy The wait
Hazel Nagl A Kilbarchan Garden
K.R. Nariman Precarious
K.R. Nariman Markhor
Kristine Nason The Colour of Life
Kristine Nason Racing the Sky
Kristine Nason Opus Blue
Elizabeth Nast Third in Line
Elizabeth Nast Woman's Best Friend
Elizabeth Nast Julia at the Hare
Elizabeth Nast Maria's Market Cafe
Claire Nelson Sitting Dancer
Claire Nelson Metamorphosis
Kate Newington 'Seabride'
Kate Newington Amanda (NHS frontline worker)
Karina Nixon Donna Rossa
Karina Nixon Aria
Jean Noble Water Tension
Jean Noble Summer Isle
Arabella Nock 'At the Waterhole'
Charlie O’Sullivan Chattering Thoughts
Julie Oldfield Verdigris Dawn
Julie Oldfield Copper Sundowner 1
Julie Oldfield Alchemist's Dream
Helen Otter Shed and Sunflowers
Ginny Page Orange blossom
Ayna Paisley Parting
Amanda Palmer What's The Time Mr.Wolf?
Rachel Parker Norfolk Beach I (unframed)
Rachel Parker Norfolk Beach II (unframed)
Rachel Parker Back to School (unframed)
Rachel Parker Exam Hall 2021 (unframed)
Gina Parr Me quo que
Gina Parr Three acres and liberty
Stephanie Paula Morninglight at the butcher
Victoria Perloff Primavera Love!
Victoria Perloff Primavera 2020
Victoria Perloff Kenwood
Maria Pierides Blues Song
Maria Pierides Water Meadow
Anna Pinkster Six bathers
kathy Prest Ribbon Dancer
kathy Prest Amy
kathy Prest Edge of Beauty
Joan Prickett Greek Matriarch
Rebecca Ratnasamy Kathmandu Katchup
Kristin Rawcliffe Julian with lockdown beard
Cathy Read Charing Cross Station
Cathy Read Check Mate
Cathy Read British Library
Cathy Read Harlequin Gherkin
Sue Reddish Walk by the canal
Katherine Reekie Composition with Clamp
Katherine Reekie Composition with pink ribbon
Pascale Rentsch A pair of Sunflowers
Nicola Rigby The Púca
Rebecca Ritchie 'Cornish Cream Tea'
Rebecca Ritchie 'Bread & Honey'
Rebecca Ritchie 'Ale & Oysters'
Maggie Robinson 'Spring arose on the garden fair'
Maggie Robinson 'Content to be at home'
Rosalind Robinson Still Flowering : Constance and Winifred
Rosalind Robinson Suffragette Heroine No.7
Rosalind Robinson Suffragette Heroine No.4
Rosalind Robinson Suffragette Heroine No.6
Caitlyn Rooke Non Finito
Jean Ross Reflection
Christine Russell A Moment in Time
Christine Russell A Delicate Balance
Atsuko Saito Laundry
Alison Saldana Fresh Fish
Alison Saldana Moonlit Still Life
Liezel Schultz You say tomato
Liezel Schultz Reed Reflections
Liezel Schultz Crossing Paths
Svetlana Semenova Red Vase with Berries
Svetlana Semenova Elliot
Elizabeth Seward Poppies
Elizabeth Seward Lockdown 2020 - gin, wine and coffee
Elizabeth Seward Yellow and Orange
BINA SHAH Storm at Bolus Head # I
Nurit Shhany Escapism
Nurit Shhany Escapism
Cathryn Shilling Metamorphosis
Cathryn Shilling Consonance V
Daisy Sims-Hilditch 2020 Studio Self Portrait with Spode
Helen Sinclair Four Boys
Helen Sinclair Llama
Helen Sinclair Hoola Hoopa
Helen Sinclair A Time and a Place (2)
Ilona Skladzien #blacklivesmatter
Henrietta Smith Crocus Roses
Dr. Linda Smith London Lockdown, The National Gallery
Dr. Linda Smith London Lockdown, St. Pauls Cathedral
Dr. Linda Smith London Lockdown, The Royal Albert Hall
Dr. Linda Smith London lockdown, The Royal Academy
Jenny Smy Arboreal Mists I
Solly Solomon 'I've never wished you were my daughter.'
Susan Southorn Spring Is So Uplifting
Tessa Spanton Into the Blue 1
Tessa Spanton Ultramarine
Tessa Spanton New Beginings
Renee Spierdijk Unknown girl
Eileen St Julian-Bown Putney Bridge
Eileen St Julian-Bown Putney Shoreline
Eileen St Julian-Bown Bringing in the Boat
karen stamper Posy 7
karen stamper Posy 9
Angela Stanbridge Flame Tulip 2
Morag Stevenson White Freesias
Morag Stevenson Spring Table with Tulips
Pam Stone A Lady Of Distinction
Helen Stone Looking for Light
Helen Stone Touched: Snip Snap
Lucy Stopford Biography
Sarah Strachan Precious metal, 2018
Tessa Sulston 'If you like what I have done'
Janette Summerfield Tomatoes and spring onions
Janette Summerfield Peach with strawberries
Sandra Summers Cherry Blossom
Sandra Summers KITE GIRL
Christy Symington Head Inspired By BASQUIAT
Carol Tarn Jeanne
Helen taylor Greenhouse Earth
Lotta Teale cutlery on dishcloth
Jo Thompson The last eyes they see.
Justine Lois Thorpe Converge
Justine Lois Thorpe Roller
Justine Lois Thorpe Falling Sea
Penelope Timmis Guinea Fowl
Penelope Timmis Fun Flamingos
Penelope Timmis Family Puffin
Janet Tod Hyacinths & Pears
Linda Travers Smith Geisha No3
Linda Travers Smith Tiger at Bandgevagh
Diane Urwin Lemons
Diane Urwin Plums
Diane Urwin Apples
Ruth Wallace Uprooted
Linda Wallis Ranmore
Linda Wallis Autumn Woodland
Lin Wang Praying
Briony Watson Limoncello
Christine Watson Fez, Scaffolding II
Amanda Watt When I Sleep
Jennifer Watt 'The Walk ll'
Liz Watts The Unfortunate Effect of The Artist Eating Her Muses During Lockdown
Liz Watts Blue Scarves
Liz Watts Multi-coloured Scarves
Liz Watts Unfurled, Unlocked
Terry Webster Terry’s apron
Patsy Whiting Uncertain
Deborah Wickham Darling, leave a light on for me
Emily Wolff Feed
Caroline Wong Sigi
Caroline Wong Victoria
Clare Maria Wood Cinder Path III
Manny Woodard The Musician and The Protester
christine wylie Slant II
Linda Zelin Still Life
Linda Zelin Figure 1 (Unique)
Linda Zelin Figure 2 (Unique)
Yizhou Zhang Time passing swiftly like flowing
Yuanyuan Zhao Marionette show
Yun Zhao Kui dragon design ban