Irene Lees was born in Oldham, UK, and currently lives and works in Cornwall. In 2005 she gained a BA Hons in Drawing and Applied Arts at the University of the West of England, and in 2007 became a member of the SWA. Her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally and is held in many private and corporate collections.
Irene Lees has two distinct styles of drawing, rhythmic loops and repetitive text. Both appear to look like fabric until closely viewed,only then does it become apparent that each one is meticulously hand drawn. The drawings take an excessive amount ot time using this methodology.
Irene is currently working on a series of drawings "The Turner Prize 1984-2010,charting the history of Britain's most prestigious art prize. Densely drawn lines of text are used to recreate the work of artists nominated along with winners to decorate an iconic Grayson Perry pot.